We spent countless hours in the water. Julia is officially a mermaid 🧜🏻♀️ . We took a road trip to Lego land. It's been a month of messy hair, makeup free days, counting how many iguanas we saw, and not counting calories. French fries and fried bananas
on repeat for lunch & dinner. Going to bed at 10pm and waking up at 8am. Swimming in lakes, pools and salt water
I couldn’t have dreamed of a more amazing month with my baby & family if I tried. It was the furthest thing from fancy. Unplanned days, but filled from the moment we woke up until we closed our eyes at night.
We are heading home today, sad to return to real life & schedules. My skin is glowing & hasn’t looked this good since 1995. my heart is bursting at the seams. Excited & recharged to face the world again, and see what might be in my cards.
XOXO, Jackie