Inspired By Love
My Story Fine Jewelry was inspired by Jackie's journey to motherhood through adoption. When first starting the process she had so many questions: "Who do I talk to; How do I find a birth mom?" and most importantly "How am I going to pay for all this?"

After finally becoming a mom, Jackie became very passionate about helping others build their families through adoption. "I want everyone who is on this same journey to have the opportunity to provide a warm and loving home for a child that needs it." Jackie wanted to find a way to give back, and has since become a board member of an organization named HelpUsAdopt.Org.
"There are over one hundred million children throughout the world who need homes. Every day when I go to work I think to myself, ‘What happens to these children if families can’t afford to adopt them? And what happens to birth mothers here in the United States if they can’t find the adoptive families they are in search of?’ The answers are grim. This is what fuels us. This is what fuels our donors. is providing a solution to this global problem." - Rebecca Fawcett, Founder & President of
We thank you for your purchase and hope you find it in your hearts to further support this cause by personally donating to HelpUsAdopt.Org
In support of Jackie's passion to help build families and lessen the financial burden of adoption, a portion of all sales from My Story Fine Jewelry is donated towards ***
*** Adoption fact: The average cost of Adoption in the USA is $40,000.00. Since their launch in 2007, has granted 274 grants totalling over $2.4 MILLION.