Aida Phillips was always a very spiritual and positive person, but with her journey to adoption, she gained a new perspective on miracles. After two years of fertility struggles, a few failed adoptions and some lawyers who met with the couple only to take their consultation money….she was mentally and physically exhausted.

Then they got the call, a family had chosen them! Aida says, “My life changed forever the day we brought home our daughter Milana, we adopted her from birth and it has been the best 5 1/2 years of my life. "I learned the meaning of unconditional love having her as my daughter” she expresses.

Aida, born in Mexico City, Mexico and raised in Monterrey, Mexico, had a difficult time finding information on adoption in her native tongue, Spanish. Even for those closest to her, it was difficult for her family to understand what she was going through. “You see, our family was always very supportive, however no one had adopted, so they did not know exactly how to be there for us or guide us”

Because of her struggle and wonderful Happy Ending, she decided to help others in their adoption process and created an organization called Born From Our Souls - Nacidos Del Alma . Their mission is to be there for people (single, married, same sex marriages, etc) who want to adopt. To guide them in every step of the way, by giving them advice on who to go to, what to do, bust most importantly give them the moral and emotional support Aida did not receive.

Aida had a long career in PR, so she had the experience and contacts to spread the word about adoption and helping others. “I wanted the entire world to know that there is hope for people who can not conceive on their own”. She started to be very public about it, and was featured on various Spanish TV shows, sharing her passion of helping build families through adoption.

Why Born from Our Souls? Aida felt when she was finally connected with her daughter that it was more than just fate. Her and her husbands’ souls were connected to their daughters. She believes that even before she was born …. "it was destined and written in the stars," so that is why they chose the name.