Ever since Pam was a little girl, she envisioned herself as being a mother. This was her lifelong dream.

Divorced in her early 30's, Pam found herself in the NYC lifestyle. Casual dating and nights on the town, running into a lot of Mr. Wrongs, actually living the Sex and the City lifestyle. It was fun and exciting but something was still missing. Pam, now 41, still hadn't met the right guy.

She finally decided to take matters into her own hands began research for IVF treatments. Then she made the life changing decision that she was going to become a single mother, by choice. With a leap of faith she relocated back to California because she knew she wanted to be near her parents and family for this new chapter of her life. Amazingly she was successful on the first round. Within 7 months of starting the process she found herself pregnant! That following May she gave birth to the love of her life, a beautiful baby boy named Charlie.

Now a mom, Pam is content and at peace. People who have known her a long time notice the difference in her personality after giving birth to Charlie. Pam says, “Being Charlie’s mom is the most rewarding and joyful experience. He is an incredible human being and such a joy to me...becoming a mother to him was absolutely, hands down, the very best thing I have ever done with my life. I am so thankful that I took that leap of faith and made that huge, unconventional decision. I am so glad that I didn't wait for the "right relationship" to materialize because if I did I wouldn't have Charlie today. Everything happens for a reason!”

To celebrate Charlie's birth Pam had a beautiful gold chain with pendants from our MY STORY collection made just for her. She calls it her "push present" to herself! The skinny dog tag has a Pam also had a heart, an arrow and a four-leaf clover engraved on the pendant because Charlie is her lucky charm! She says, “That piece of jewelry is my staple... I love it.”

Blessed with so much good fortune Pam wanted to give back to other families and teach Charlie the good about giving back. She and Charlie currently sponsor a young Haitian boy's education via Mission of Hope: Haiti charity. Along with other Independent representatives at Arbonne, she has raised enough money this year to build homes for 90 displaced families in Minoterie, Haiti.