Last night Julia and I had dinner with one of Julia’s friends and her parents. As we ran down Avenue A trying to find a hamburger joint, that I suggested, Julia’s friend was running holding her daddy’s hand. Behind were the mommies. I just felt something in my heart... and tried to run to catch up to them to avoid what I felt was about to happen. My fear was that Julia would feel left out. I knew my little girl would never grab the daddy's hand and start skipping as well. Instead, she skipped next to them, her ponytails swinging in the air, with a big smile on her face.
“I don’t have a daddy” she said.
“But that’s okay. I have my Abuelo & Bryan” (Grandpa & Uncle)
My heart skipped a beat as I held my breathe. I didn't know what would come out of her mouth and I wasn't fast enough to save her. Instead of shame, my beautiful girl was filled with pride and myself even more so..
I had raised Julia knowing it was ok to be different. That each family could look different and have a different number of people but be filled with love. I was proud that Julia said it the utmost confidence, not shame. Maybe it's me; I was scared she would be upset that she didn't have a dad or her family was different.