My Story Monday's
Lillian Michelson Julien
After the sudden passing of her daughter Michelle, Lily Julien became more spiritual in a quest to find comprehension of her unimaginable loss. In a dream her daughter spoke to...
Barbara Palumbo
Gorgeous. Smart. Tall glass of water, with a rocking bod, and a mouth who curses like a truck driver. This powerhouse also writes so eloquently you might need a dictionary...
Pam Fischer
Ever since Pam was a little girl, she envisioned herself as being a mother. This was her lifelong dream. Divorced in her early 30's, Pam found herself in the NYC...
Melissa Berry
At age 32 Melissa tested positive for the BRCA gene. She wasn’t surprised, as there was a history of breast cancer in her family. Melissa always tries to see the...
Becky Fawcett
The average household income in our country is $54,000, the average adoption costs is $40,000. This is the financial hurdle posed by a process that costs 74% of the average...
Jodi Cutler
Published author, super mom and Consultant to Cochlear Europe, Middle East & Africa: meet Jodi Cutler Everything changed when Jodi discovered her son had a bilateral sensorineural profound hearing loss...
Aida Phillips Privado
Aida Phillips was always a very spiritual and positive person, but with her journey to adoption, she gained a new perspective on miracles. After two years of fertility struggles, a...
Jenny Green Powers
On 7-29-04 Jenny had a gold charm inscribed with the date 7-29-04 because it was the worst day of her life and she wanted a solid reminder that things could...